Accepted Papers and Posters
Regular papers
- SESSION 1 - MPI-3 and Scalability (Sep. 10 / 10:00- )
- SESSION 2 - Datatypes and Collectives (Sep. 10 / 13:00- )
- SESSION 3 - Fault Tolerance (Sep. 11 / 10:30- )
- SESSION 4 - Benchmarking and Application (Sep. 11 / 13:00- )
- SESSION 5 - Performance Monitoring and Verification (Sep. 12 / 10:30- )
Poster papers
- Regular papers -
MPI-3 and Scalability |
Title / Authors |
Implementing the MPI-3.0 Fortran 2008 Binding Junchao Zhang, Bill Long, Kenneth Raffenetti and Pavan Balaji |
Scalable MPI-3.0 RMA on the Blue Gene/Q Supercomputer Sameer Kumar and Michael Blocksome |
Intra-Epoch Message Scheduling To Exploit Unused or Residual Overlapping Potential Judicael A. Zounmevo and Ahmad Afsahi |
PMI Extensions for Scalable MPI Startup Sourav Chakraborty, Hari Subramoni, Jonathan Perkins, Adam Moody, Mark Arnold and Dhabaleswar K. Panda |
Datatypes and Collectives |
Title / Authors |
MPI Collectives and Datatypes for hierarchical All-to-all Communication Jesper Larsson Träff and Antoine Rougier |
Optimal MPI datatype normalization for vector and index-block types Jesper Larsson Träff |
Zero-copy, hierarchical Gather is not possible with MPI Datatypes and Collectives Jesper Larsson Träff and Antoine Rougier |
GPU-Aware Intranode MPI_Allreduce Iman Faraji and Ahmad Afsahi |
Fault Tolerance |
Title / Authors |
Toward Local Failure Local Recovery Resilience Model using MPI-ULFM Keita Teranishi and Michael A. Heroux |
Evaluating User-Level Fault Tolerance for MPI Applications Ignacio Laguna, David F. Richards, Todd Gamblin, Martin Schulz and Bronis R. de Supinski |
Comparing, Contrasting, Generalizing, and Integrating Two Current Designs for Fault-Tolerant MPI Amin Hassani, Anthony Skjellum, Ron Brightwell and Purushotham V. Bangalore |
Benchmarking and Application |
Title / Authors |
Reproducible MPI Micro-Benchmarking Isn't As Easy As You Think Sascha Hunold, Alexandra Carpen-Amarie and Jesper Larsson Träff |
Exploring the effect of noise on the performance benefit of nonblocking allreduce Patrick Widener, Kurt B. Ferreira, Scott Levy and Torsten Hoefler |
A Portable Petascale Framework for Efficient Particle Methods with Custom Interactions Andreas Schäfer, Thomas Heller and Dietmar Fey |
Performance Monitoring and Verification |
Title / Authors |
Exploring the Capabilities of the New MPI_T Interface Tanzima Islam, Kathryn Mohror and Martin Schulz |
Understanding the Memory-Utilization of MPI Libraries: Challenges and Designs in Implementing the MPI_T Interface Raghunath Rajachandrasekar, Jonathan Perkins, Khaled Hamidouche, Mark Arnold and Dhabaleswar K. Panda |
Catching Idlers with Ease: A Lightweight Wait-State Profiler for MPI Programs Guoyong Mao, David Böhme, Marc-André Hermanns, Markus Geimer, Daniel Lorenz and Felix Wolf |
Distributed Behavioral Cartography of Timed Automata Étienne André, Camille Coti and Sami Evangelista |
- Poster papers -
Title / Authors | |
P1. | Locality-Optimized Mixed Static/Dynamic Scheduling for Load Balancing on SMPs Vivek Kale, Amanda Randles and William D. Gropp |
P2. | Tracing Data Movements within MPI Collectives Kevin Brown, Jens Domke and Satoshi Matsuoka |
P3. | Eliminating Costs for Crossing Process Boundary from MPI Intra-node Communication Akio Shimada, Atsushi Hori and Yutaka Ishikawa |
P4. | Optimizing Collective Operations in Hybrid Applications Aurèle Maheo, Patrick Carribault, Marc Pérache and William Jalby |
P5. | Optimizing One-sided Operations in Open MPI Nathan Hjelm |
P6. | A Graphical Environment for Development of MPI Applications Jose Luis Quiroz-Fabián, Graciela Román-Alonso, Miguel A. Castro-García, Jorge Buenabad-Chávez and Manuel Aguilar-Cornejo |
25 Sep. 2014
Tutorials page has been updated.
-Presentation PDF files etc can be downloaded.-
12 Sep. 2014
EuroMPI/ASIA 2014 ended in success!
EuroMPI 2015 will be held in Bordeaux, France from 21 to 25 September!