Special Issue

The best papers of the workshop will be considered for inclusion in a special issue of International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (IJHPCA).

International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications
Editors-in-Chief : Yutaka Ishikawa, RIKEN AICS, Japan
Atsushi Hori, RIKEN AICS, Japan
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (IJHPCA) provides original peer reviewed research papers and review articles on the use of supercomputers to solve complex modeling problems in a spectrum of disciplines. Topics include: artificial intelligence, climate modeling, cryptographic analysis, geophysics, molecular biology, molecular dynamics, nuclear physics, physical oceanography, plasma physics, quantum chemistry, solid state physics, structural dynamics.


  • Authors need to submit their paper in the IJHPCA system: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com:80/ijhpca
  • They need to submit:
    • A PDF file or a Word file
    • An abstract and 5 keywords
    • An archive containing the original files (latex, figures, etc..)
    • The bios of the authors
  • The number of pages is limited to 12(with some flexibility)
  • The format is single-column.
  • IJHPCA does not use any Latex / Word template.
  • For article intended to special issue, authors needs to add a comment when submitting the article. A simple sentence like: "this article is intended for the special issue on ....." is perfect.
  • Authors must pick you as preferred SAE.


Non-blind peer review process where each manuscript is reviewed by at least two referees. The review process can take up to 2 months, depending on the availability of reviewers.


Four decisions are available after a round of review:

  • Reject
  • Major revision (will undergo another round of review)
  • Minor revision (will be reviewed only by SAE and EIC)
  • Accept


  • Once the paper is accepted for publication in the system, the authors will have to sign the copyright electronically.
  • Finally Production will contact authors to proof read the article before publication.
  • IJHPCA offers OnlineFirst, by which forthcoming articles are published online before they are scheduled to appear in print. (http://hpc.sagepub.com/content/early/recent)

More details can be found here:

For further information on submission guidelines contact
